The rifles and supporting equipment were all chosen by both Gary and Ray. They agreed on gear that they know performs so you can be assured you’ll have a great training experience. There is nothing that ruins training like a rifle that won’t shoot, a bad optic, or inconsistent ammunition. Using our equipment ensure we as instructors are focused on improving the shooter, the student is focused on applying what is taught, and we are not collectively wasting time troubleshooting equipment.
We want every student to succeed and surpass the course performance standards. Ray and Gary have carefully chosen the equipment used in our courses in order to ensure every student is given the best chances to graduate every course.
For Level I Courses we highly recommend that you use our rifles in order to remove equipment/ammo variables we often see with student equipment. You can take the information and experience from Level I to ensure your rifle is set up correctly. You will also know what kind of performance to expect out of your rifle and gear when you leave.
Ammo Fee: Will be calculated at the end of each course and based on how many rounds each student used. Typically, students use around 250rds per course.
Level 1 Schedule:
- Day Zero: 9:00am – 3:30pm
- Day 1: 9:00am – 6:00pm
- Day 2: 9:00am – 7:00pm
- Day 2 includes Award and Graduation Ceremony
Please read this information carefully. If you have additional questions, send an email to
Course and Training Philosophy: Every XP course will have pass or fail academic and performance standards. While both Ray and Gary feel it is important to have challenging standards in order to maximize student focus and performance, there is no benefit to us for a student to fail. We will do everything in our power to coach, guide, and assist every student so they are prepared for success. We want you to succeed.
We could offer courses that you just attend and leave with a certificate but that holds no one accountable. That training model does not provide quantifiable data that the instruction provided was effective or that the student‘s performance and knowledge has progressed.
Standards come with the eventuality that some students will fail to meet those standards. If that happens the student will leave knowing exactly what they need to work on in order to prepare, come back and exceed the standards.
Knowledge and performance standards are the required incentive for students to pay attention, to learn, to ask question, to perform their best, and to ultimately maximize the training experience.
Personalized Instruction and Coaching: Throughout every course students will receive personalized instruction and coaching. You will have an instructor assigned to you (1 instructor per 4 students) coaching and helping you all along the way. At the end of each day, instructors provide personalized, one on one, written and verbal feedback on your performance. You will know what you‘re doing well, what you need to work on, and HOW to fix the knowledge and performance deficiencies.
If you do not meet or exceed course standards, you will be given an Attendance Certificate. If you meet or exceed course standards, you receive a Graduation Certificate with your academic and course of fire scores included.
All students that do not pass initial testing will receive remedial training and be given one additional opportunity to pass the written test or the course of fire qualification
Any student that passes on the second attempt will receive a Graduation Certificate that will indicate PASS in both Academic Score/Course of Fire Score.
Many of the items recommended below are on our website but will also be available for purchase on site during the course.
Minimum Equipment Requirements:
- 1 MOA Rifle and 250rds of Match Grade Ammunition (cannot be mixed weights and brands)
- This course requires a rifle and ammunition that shoots 1 MOA or better. This needs to be confirmed by each attendee prior to the course. Do not rely on a rifle manufacturer’s guarantee. The first day of the course is not the time to realize the rifle and ammo you brought to train with isn’t meeting that standard.
- We want you to have the absolute best chance of success throughout this course and we don’t want subpar equipment to hold you back or distract you or others from training.
- Renting one of our rifles is an option. Even if we do not have any rentals available online, send us an email as we do have some rifles in reserve.
- If you are renting one of our rifles, you must use our ammunition. We provide ammunition at a discounted price. Your ammunition will be billed separately at the end of the course. We only bill you for the boxes you open. We do not accept partial boxes of ammunition back. If you open it, shoot it all.
- We do have match grade ammo available for those not using our rifles but if you require something other than 6.5CM we need to know ahead of time so we can ensure we have your required ammunition on hand.
- Quality Bipods With Cant Adjustment
- We highly recommend Accu-Tac Bipods and/or TBAC bipod but at a minimum you need a quality set of bipods with cant adjustment that allows you to level your rifle.
- Rifle Cleaning Equipment:
- Cleaning Rod – Recommend Bore Tech Bore Stix
- Bore Guide – Recommend PMA Tool Bore Guides
- Jags – Recommend Bore Tech Proof Positive
- Bore Brushes – Recommend Bore Tech Proof Positive
- Patches – Recommend Butch’s Triple Twill Patches
- Solvents – We recommend Boretech Bore Eliminator and Boretech Copper Remover
- Optics Cleaning Kit – Recommend Zeiss Optics Cleaning Kit
- Electronic Ear Protection (we do have loaners available)
- Eye Protection
- Rear Bag – Recommend Tab Gear Large Bag, Tactical Rear Squeeze Bag XXL
- We will have various rear bags on hand for you to use and try out the different types and brands that we recommend throughout the course.
- Anti-Cant Device – We recommend the MDT LRA Send It Level
Recommended Equipment:
- Rifle Accessories:
- Data Card Holder – We recommend the Hawk Hill Rifle Mounted Data Holder
- Rifle Tools:
- a. Fix It Sticks – Recommend The Works Kit with All In One Torque Driver
- Data Book:
- We will provide a Data Book for each student that is adequate for the course. If you already have one, feel free to bring your own.